me laughing and sitting in a rocking chair near books and Legos

The next chapter of life is YOURS to craft

Life transitions—big and small—can create opportunities for a new way to see our story, tell our story, and create our story.

Would you like more LIFE in your life?

Working with a trusted coach can create that transformation. As a Life Transitions and Empowerment Coach, I work with clients to create clarity, get unstuck, and craft a life they want to live.

What do you want your next chapter of life to feel like?

Contact Me to start the transformation.

“Transitions are an autobiographical occasion.”

Bruce Feiler, author of Life is in the Transitions

Smiling me in redwoods

You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

If you have a specific goal and are struggling to achieve it,


if you have a growing dissatisfaction with some things in your life and you want to make a change,

having a trusted partner in the journey to shine a light on your strengths, clear pathways through the struggle, and champion you as you do the brave thing of making positive change in your life can make all the difference.

Coaching creates space to explore new possibilities for yourself and your life. You can discover a new relationship to the things that hold you back and amplify your strengths in order to create the life you want to live.

My commitment to you in a coaching session is to listen deeply to who you are and find the narratives that are serving you well, and those that aren’t, so that you can make a conscious choice about the story of YOU.

Download my free mini-workbook The Story of You to begin crafting the next chapter of your life:
Christin is a highly effective and compassionate coach who helped me acknowledge and address limiting beliefs I still have about myself and fears that I’ve developed over my lifetime. She is patient and welcoming and creates a space in which I was able to make true progress and not get bogged down by self-judgment. As a result, I have been able to start a new business, a new podcast, and use tools that help me live with more freedom and less fear. I highly recommend any opportunity to work with Christin if you are looking forward to making lasting and positive change in your life.
Emie W.
Realtor/Coach/Co-host of the This Way Up podcast
“I am incredibly thankful to have found Christin as a coach. To put it simply - she helped me get unstuck. In the course of our 12-week coaching journey not only did she help me to identify beliefs and behaviors that were holding me back (in spite of years of therapy!) she also helped me take tangible and proactive action toward making my goals and dreams a reality. Sure, I could have continued on my own, but who knows how long it would have taken? If you are on the fence - take the plunge. You will be glad you did.”

I believe deeply in the power of using story and personal narratives as a way of living a life you love. In the venn diagram of me you’ll find a coach, a creative writer, and a parent. Which is to say, I love being part of people’s growth and living inside stories that connect to others. You can find more about me on my About Me page.

You want the next chapter of your life to have more impact, satisfaction, joy, purpose.

Living into that will create good things in your life and all those you connect to.

Reach out for a free discovery session to start the transformation today.

I recently finished a 12-session series with Christin Rice, and am honored to offer my heartfelt endorsement for her coaching services. I started working with Christin in March 2023, in the midst of an enormous life change (involving, among other things, a cross country move and blending families). I found myself facing what felt like an immovable mountain of challenges, but also a pivotal opportunity to step into a new chapter. With each session, Christin guided me in an exploration of each challenge, motivating me to identify, name it, and gently uncover what lies beneath, so that I could more clearly see my way forward. She asked me the right questions, in the right ways, and at the perfect times, really helping me at once feel deeply seen and supported, but also offering me the opportunity to achieve the clarity I needed to navigate forward while remaining true to myself and my goals and values. Christin has a rare gift of blending deep empathy, life wisdom, and the "secret sauce" of genuine interest in the human narrative (perhaps attributable to her background as a writer), which allows her to step back with enough objectivity to offer a guiding hand in helping others through coaching.

As a result of our sessions together, I feel much more at ease in my life transition, and more importantly, I understand that I have the tools within myself to define and articulate my next steps, no matter what "turning point" situations I may face in the future. I could not recommend Christin as a coach more highly. 


As a fellow coach, I cannot recommend Christin enough. Her coaching creates a safe and supportive environment where I felt comfortable exploring my unconscious stories and challenging my limiting beliefs. Christin's calm and nurturing personality instantly puts you at ease, allowing for deep reflection and transformative growth. Working with her has been a catalyst for breaking free from self-imposed limitations and stepping into my true potential.
Edina M.
Life and Transitions Coach